Wayland Men's Shed
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Below is a list of some of the games which are played in our main function room. You will find these are popular and much banter can be heard. Just watching can be fun in itself.
Current games include:-
Contract Whist
This has attracted a growing number of participants and there is always a game in progress on Mondays and Wednesdays.
A old favorite with members who sometimes play in pairs & fours to while away the hours.
Chess and draughts
Both of these are available to play and members do sometimes challenge each other to a game
This was given a try by some members but seems to have fallen by the wayside in recent months. I’m sure it will make a revival.
Dominoes / Fives & Threes / Mexican Train
This has also been popular amongst members who look for variety in their game playing. The Mexican Train Game is certainly a good variation and enjoyed by those looking for something different.
Another popular game with members and is regularly played.
Other games:-
There are a number of other games available for members to play which are sometimes played. Amongst these are, “Upword”, “Sequence” and “Othello”.
We are sure there will be others to follow.
Remember it’s not all about games, if you just want a chat and a laugh or to just sit and contemplate, the shed is the place for you.